
Don’t Call It Alternative, Call It Normal

January 13, 2022 by: Open Future
Aik van Eemeren on Interoperability for Digital Public Space. This is the sixth part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.

Building a social knowledge economy in Ecuador

December 23, 2021 by: Open Future
For our third Open Future Session, we invited Andrés Arauz – the Minister of Knowledge of Ecuador in the years 2015-2017. Andrés told us how the Ministry established a policy to build a “social knowledge economy”, which translated into multiple actions supporting, in particular, a knowledge commons.

Will financialization of the music industry kill the Public Domain?

December 22, 2021 by: Paul Keller
The financial valuations of major recording artists' catalogs are going through the roof, with Bruce Springsteen's right having recently been sold for more than half a billion dollars. One consequence of the ongoing financialization of the music copyright may very well be further pressure on the public domain.

Citizens want open policies

December 13, 2021 by: Francesco Vogelezang
As the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) enters into its next phase with the launch of national and European citizens’ panels, it's time to take stock of the initiative to see how it allows civic perspective to influence policy discussions.

Council and Parliament find provisional agreement on the Data Governance Act

December 9, 2021 by: Open Future
An overview of the main elements and improvements in the provisional agreement on the Data Governance Act reached by the European Council and the European Parliament on 30 November 2021.

Interoperability gives the potential of freedom

December 7, 2021 by: Open Future
Jaromil on Interoperability for Digital Public Spaces. This is the fifth part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.

Five things I know about Data Spaces

December 6, 2021 by: Paul Keller
Comment on the recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage and the Digital Europe Work Programme 2021-2022

Interoperable to whose benefit?

November 4, 2021 by: Open Future
natacha roussel on Interoperability for Digital Public Spaces. This is the fourth part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.

Wikimedia Enterprise

October 27, 2021 by: Open Future
In conversation with Lyam Wyatt and Lane Becker about Wikimedia Enterprise the paid service targeted at commercial users of Wikimedia that was launched on the 26th of October by the Wikimedia Foundation.

If you want an interoperable Internet, start with how organizations work

October 21, 2021 by: Open Future
Mai Sutton on Interoperability for Digital Public Spaces. This is the third part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.

It’s not the technology, it’s the players

October 11, 2021 by: Open Future
Geert-Jan Bogaerts on Interoperability for Digital Public Spaces. This is the second part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.
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