
Council agrees on a negotiating mandate on the Data Governance Act

October 11, 2021 by: Open Future
Analysis of the recently adopted negotiation positions of the Council and the European Parliament on the proposal for a Data Governance Act ahead of the upcoming trilogue negotiations.

In support of the Wikimedia Foundation’s application to become an observer at WIPO

October 8, 2021 by: Open Future
Open Future is a signatory of a letter to WIPO delegates protesting the decision of WIPO not to admit the Wikimedia Foundation as an observer.

A Game with Many Winners?

October 7, 2021 by: Open Future
In conversation with Brewster Kahle, the Founder and Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive on the value of openness, twenty years since key ways of doing things in the open were established.

Keep the internet public. The market will thank us later

September 27, 2021 by: Open Future
Nathan Schneider on Interoperability for Digital Public Space. This is the first part of our series of interviews with experts on how to get to public-civic spaces and the role of interoperability in getting there.

The ‘Path to the Digital Decade’ needs a better destination

September 17, 2021 by: Paul Keller
A first look at the “Path to the Digital Decade” 2030 Policy Programme that was presented by the European Commission on 15 of September.

The Data Act – Another chance for the Data Commons?

September 9, 2021 by: Open Future
A first look at the issues that shape the discussion about the upcoming Data Act, the second legislative element of the Commission's European Data Strategy.

Open research in the public interest

September 7, 2021 by: Open Future
Open Future is a signatory of AlgorithmWatch's letter to European lawmakers to prevent online platforms from hindering ongoing public interest research about them.

European Parliament misses the opportunity to build the Data Commons

July 30, 2021 by: Open Future
A critical take on European Parliament's ITRE committee report on the Data Governance Act. The report adopted by the ITRE committee represents the negotiation mandate for the trilogue negotiations.

Introducing SDEPS

July 6, 2021 by: Open Future
The coalition for a Shared Digital European Public Sphere – SDEPS –aims to bring together different types of organizations who are united in their determination to build a European Digital Public Sphere while providing a European coordination layer for developing alternative online infrastructures.

The Conference on the Future of Europe

May 27, 2021 by: Alek Tarkowski et al.
The Conference on the Future of Europe–CoFoE–represents an unprecedented democratic exercise bringing mass citizen participation through digital platforms. The Open Movement and other activist organizations should use this opportunity to shape future EU policies.

Digital Compass – Can you point me to the society?

May 7, 2021 by: Alek Tarkowski
A critical take on the European Commission's Communication "2030 Digital Compass" which defines the policy objectives for Europe's Digital Decade.
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