
Open Climate: an opportunity for the Open Movement to reimagine itself

May 12, 2022 by: Open Future
For the 7th Open Future session, we invited the convenors of the Open Climate community to discuss how working on climate and sustainability issues is also a chance for the open movement to reimagine itself.

Data Act impact assessment fails to grasp societal value of data

April 28, 2022 by: Alek Tarkowski
Alek finds that the impact of the proposed Data Act was assessed based solely on economic cost-benefit analysis. Important provisions on Business-to-Government (B2G) data sharing were evaluated without any methods for assessing societal value.

Live from Luxembourg

April 25, 2022 by: Paul Keller
Last week the Court of Justice of the European Union finally decided to embrace the possibilities offered by the Internet and to start streaming hearings and judgements. Paul argues that this is an important step towards more openness and transparency of Europe's highest court.

Truly public spaces are not for sale

April 15, 2022 by: Paul Keller
The problem with Elon Musk's bid to take over Twitter is not so much that he is turning a public company private, but that it illustrates that having public spaces run by companies is a bad idea no matter how the company is structured.

Four questions for the European strategy for data

April 12, 2022 by: Francesco Vogelezang
This note assesses the interconnectedness of the GDPR respectively with the Data Governance Act and Data Act, shedding light on the different inconsistencies between the two acts and the GDPR that risk hindering the overarching objective of the European strategy for data.

Care, not extraction

March 29, 2022 by: Open Future
For our sixth Open Future Session, we invited Anna Mazgal, Senior EU Policy Advisor at Wikimedia DE, and Alejandro Mayoral Baños, activist and Director of the Indigenous Friends Association (IFA), to talk about online "care protocols" and how the open movement addresses the harms perpetrated in the platform ecosystem. 

Re-opening the internet

March 25, 2022 by: Alek Tarkowski
The final DMA proposal mandates that messaging services meeting the definition of "large gatekeeper platforms" will need to become interoperable. As a result, these key types of services will shift from a collection of “walled gardens” controlled by their owners to a connected — more open — ecosystem.

Introducing our Policy Observatory

March 15, 2022 by: Open Future
We are launching a Policy Observatory to track the policy files that have the potential to advance openness and to contribute to a digital public space, maximizing the societal benefits of shared data, knowledge and culture.

Interoperability in current policy files

March 11, 2022 by: Francesco Vogelezang
This research note provides a closer look at the EU legislative initiatives implementing data interoperability within the European Strategy for Data.

We need to be democratic first, and then open

March 3, 2022 by: Open Future
For our fifth Open Future Session, we invited Olivier Schulbaum, co-founder, President and Head of R&D of Platoniq, to talk about political user experiences within of the digital platformization of the solidarity economy.

A closer look at data intermediaries and the risk of platformization

March 1, 2022 by: Francesco Vogelezang
The Data Governance Act risks leading to the growth of for-profit data intermediation services and centralizing market power even further. One way to avoid this is to provide stronger support for commons-based data governance.
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